About Us
Mile High Dowsers Chapter, Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in Colorado in 1981. We are a registered chapter of The American Society of Dowsers, Inc.
To promote, support and encourage all persons while obtaining proficient dowsing skills and knowledge with ease, as well as recognizing the high importance of maintaining consistency in appropriate behavior, standards, and integrity.
To provide education, training, and fellowship to all in the art of dowsing for personal enjoyment or to benefit mankind.
To share dowsing with the community through our Annual Field Day Dowsing Conference.
Click here to read our by-laws
2021-2023 Officers
President, Sabrina Nugent
Vice President, Jennifer Newton
Treasurer, Dan Nugent
Secretary, Shared
Sales, To Be Announced
Librarian, Loraine Burger
Webmaster, Vanessa Newport
Member-At-Large, Richard Herman
Member-At-Large, Bo Hanson
Board of Directors
Ed Hurtado
Jack Roberts
Sue Russo