Empowering our community with the knowledge of ancient dowsing for practical use in today’s modern world
What is dowsing?
Dowsing delivers the truth to what is unknown. Dowsing connects your intuition to all that is. Dowsing is seeing the unseen. Dowsing uses various tools to locate, find, and receive information. Dowsing simplifies life.
There are many reasons to use dowsing in your life, such as:
choosing a doctor or dentist
finding lost objects
raising prosperity energy in the home or office
locating underground water, minerals, and geopathic lines
choosing beneficial vitamins for the body
identifying and clearing health and emotional issues within the body
neutralizing noxious energies on people, places and things
determining the best route for a trip
identifying the mechanical health of vehicles
locate geopathic zones
anything you want to know presently, historically, throughout time and space
Our Meetings & Membership Cost
All Meetings are Virtual in 2025!
Second Saturday of every month (except July and December)
Members will receive a Zoom link, emailed no later than the morning of the meeting.
Non-Members, please email DowsersMileHigh@gmail.com to receive a Zoom link and mail your payment.
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. MST
Cost annually
$35 individual/$45 per couple/family (cash/checks)
$5 per meeting for non-members (cash/checks)
Mail payments to Mile High Dowsers, C/O Dan Nugent, 10068 Depew Street, Westminster, CO 80020-4146
Email DowsersMileHigh@gmail.com to be added to our email list and for questions about payments.
Reference our meeting agendas to know what’s coming up and what you missed!
Chapter members may check out various books, DVDs, or CDs from our collection.
Attend our meetings to purchase books and tools for dowsing.
View our list of resource partners for dowsing, alternative health & healing modalities, spiritual practitioners, and more.
Honoring our chapter founder Greg Storozuk, 1945-2019
View our upcoming special events!
Learn more about our Chapter, our Officers and By-Laws
Learn More About Dowsing
Please contact us with any questions or let us know what you need help with by emailing DowsersMileHigh@gmail.com